The secret of a fashion stylist?

There is a secret, or better, a few secrets, in working as a fashion stylist, just as in any other job. There are a few tricks, little and great solutions, which may help enjoy this job even more. I chose to unveal, little by little, some of the pillars this profession is based on. Fundamental points I came to understand, during my “on-field” experience, which are essential in doing a good job.


Make-up artist, photographer and stylist assistant are, and must be, your play mates. There’s no game  you can play without them; there might be other team members, but these are fundamental. And they must stand out for their working skills and, above all, for their congeniality, availability and empathy. In order to bring home a good job, it is essential to find harmony on the set. After all, all of us are surrounded every day by people we do not like, why would anyone surround themselves with such people on the job? Honestly, if I realize a photo with someone who makes working hard, even though the result is a good one, I end up despising or perceiving it as ugly. Empathy and collaboration are a winning hand; and it’s even more so when all team members share the same taste. Of course, it is not always possible to work with congenial professionals, but when there’s the possibility to choose them, it is better to do so!

fashion stylist
Processed with MOLDIV

My advice: Try to surround yourself with photogaphers, make-up artists, models you like working with in harmony; people with whom you may share both work relationships and recreational moments or, even better, a dinner out.

Published by

Mirko Burin

Mirko Burin , fashion stylist e trend consultant . Laureato con lode al corso di Laurea magistrale in Moda presso l'Università di Bologna , facoltà di Rimini, con una tesi dedicata all'analisi della figura professionale del fashion Stylist e dei blog di moda. Ha anche frequentato il corso di fashion styling presso la scuola di moda Moodart. Da quattro anni lavora a tempo pieno come fashion stylist e consulente d'immagine. (

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